Sunday, November 13, 2005: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Special Session: WHO Collaborating Centers: A Global Network
Learning Objective #1: Describe the mission of the Global Network of World Health Organization Collaborating Centers on International Nursing.
Learning Objective #2: Identify possible areas for collaboration between the collaborating centers and Sigma Theta Tau International.
The purpose of this presentation is to describe the mission, goals, and structure of the Global Network of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Development, and to invite participants to explore possibilities for collaboration between Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), and the Global Network. The mission of the Global Network is "to maximize the contribution of nursing and midwifery in order to advance Health for All in partnership with WHO and its member states, regional offices, member Centres, NGOs, and others interested in promoting the health of populations." The Network currently includes 36 Collaborating Centers (3 in the African region, 18 in the Americas, 2 in the European region, 4 in the Southeast Asia region, and 3 in the Western Pacific region). The current strategic plan (2004-2008) for the Global Network includes three broad goals: promoting global human resource development through advocacy and evidence-based policy activities, promoting the health of the population through community participation, empowerment, and partnership, and maintaining an efficient and effective communication process. Collaborating Centers work with regional WHO officials to develop specific objectives or terms of reference for their centers, and apply for redesignation as a Collaborating Center every 4 years. Collaborating Centers are asked to ensure that their terms of reference address goals of the Global Network, of the WHO Strategic Plan for Nursing and Midwifery, and hte Millenium Development Goals of the United Nations. The presenters will describe examples of collaborating center projects and activities, and invite conference participants to explore ways in which STTI and the Global Network might collaborate to achieve common goals.
Organizer:Lynda L. Harrison, RN, PhD, FAAN
Presenters:Leana Uys, DSocSc
Lynda L. Harrison, RN, PhD, FAAN

Sigma Theta Tau International
38th Biennial Convention - Clinical Sessions
November 12-13, 2005
Indianapolis, IN