Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Healthy Work Environments
Building Healthy, Caring Work Environments
Linda Sue Henry, BS, Marketing and communication Strategies, Puyallup, WA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Administer two no-cost skills inventories to employees and assist them in determining how their skills apply to major nursing research on the processes of caring
Learning Objective #2: Choose from dozens of strategies gathered from nurse executives and managers across the country for creating a caring environment, increasing productivity and retaining employees

Largely because of retention, productivity and quality of patient care issues, the American Organization of Nurse Executives and the American Hospital Association have identified creating healthy work environments as a strategic initiative. This presentation provides healthcare executives and managers with the knowledge and skills to create and/or enhance healthy work environments in terms of the caring of self, colleagues and patients. Based upon interviews with more than 29 nurses and nurse executives across the country, it offers a wide array of strategies and tools to increase caring, productivity, patient/customer satisfaction and employee retention.

Content Outline:

· Utilizing Appreciative Inquiry to describe best practices, small groups identify the characteristics of a healthy, caring work environment. · Introduction of Gallup research on what makes a successful manager as reported in the book, First, Break All the Rules. · Discussion of 5 key questions related to increased productivity, patient/customer satisfaction and retention. · Completion of a skill clusters inventory that builds upon the book, Now, Discover Your Strengths · Completion of a transferable skills card sort · Introduction of research by nursing leaders (Watson, Swanson, Leininger) on the nature and processes of caring. · Assign personal skills to five processes of caring. · Select from dozens of strategies for creating caring teams and retaining employees gathered from nurse executives and other healthcare managers across the country.