Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Curriculum Innovations
Many Thoughts, One Mission
Shirley Ann Fry, RN, BSN, MSN, Nursing, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN, USA
Learning Objective #1: Discuss the need for effective nurse leaders to possess highly integrated, well-developed leadership and management skills to be effective in the changing health care environment
Learning Objective #2: Be cognizant of teaching undergraduate students the importance of developing a personal mission statement to guide them throughout their personal lives and professional career

The presentation will focus on the development of individual student mission statements and the final creation – the class mission statement. One of the challenges for nurse educators today is preparing students for the variety of professional nursing opportunities that await them after graduation. Nursing careers have evolved from the traditional direct patient care in acute care hospital settings to outpatient and home care to advanced practice nursing specialties and beyond. Traditionally nursing leadership and management courses have focused almost exclusively on the management skills. With the variety of nursing jobs and careers available to nurses today, many will never hold a “traditional” management position. Nurses are in the unique position that regardless of what field of nursing they practice, the need for effective leadership always exists. Effective leadership is essential for improving patient care and advancing nursing practice.

In reviewing both management and leadership theory, the concepts of setting goals, having a vision, and defining values are common themes related to the importance of personal characteristics and behaviors of successful managers and leaders. The concepts and theories presented guide senior-level baccalaureate nursing students to gain insight into the broad impact that effective leadership will have on their personal lives and future careers. Teaching and learning begin with students writing a personal eulogy and culminates with the development of a class mission statement that is shared with family, friends, faculty and others attending their nursing pinning ceremony.