Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Recruitment and Retention of Frontline Nurse Managers
Survival of the Frontline Nurse Manager
Brenda Nevidjon, RN, MSN, FAAN, Duke University School of Nursing, Durham, NC, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe three organizational trends and three factors that contribute to the increasing pressure on frontline nurse managers
Learning Objective #2: Develop effective strategies and an action plan for use in the learner's own organization

This presentation will describe the emerging and growing risk in the retention of frontline nurse managers and will discuss effective strategies that go beyond traditional management training programs. In healthcare organizations, a key link between patient care and strategic decisions in the board room is the nurse manager. Increasingly, hospital executives are identifying that the success of their hospitals depends on excellence in patient care and the retention of their nursing staff. The nurse manager not only creates a positive work environment, but has been identified as the key factor in retaining staff. Studies have documented that employees are retained when they have good relationships with the manager. Changes in organizational infrastructure, manager expectations, accountability, and span of managerial control are a few of the contributors to an impending crisis in the development and retention of effective nurse managers. At the very time that the role of the nurse manager is so important, promotion into this management position is becoming less attractive. Nurse executives must be vigilant of the converging pressures that they and others in the organization impose on nurse managers. The presentation will provide a review of trends in the nurse manager role and responsibilities, the current work environment conditions affecting the nurse manager, and interventions that support nurse managers. Scenarios will be presented to illustrate the converging pressures so participants can articulate a message within their organization about this issue.