Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Mentoring in the Clinical Environment
Mentoring to Promote Leadership Development in Pediatric Nurses
Kathleen Riley-Lawless, PhD, APRN, BC, Department of Nursing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA and Cindy Smith Greenberg, DNSc, RN, CPNP, Department of Nursing, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, USA.
Learning Objective #1: Describe the role of mentoring as a function of leadership
Learning Objective #2: Explore mentor/mentee opportunites for pediatric nurses

Mentoring to Promote Leadership Development in Pediatric Nurses

Opportunities to participate in formal mentoring programs continue to grow and expand. Fueled by advances in technology and communication, mentoring relationships are now possible on a national and international level. This enhances and promotes leadership development in diverse and global situations. Many professional societies and organizations sponsor mentoring programs. These programs support the establishment of a formal mentoring relationship between a mentor and mentee. Within this relationship, the nurse leader (mentor) applies his/her expertise related to practice, administration, policy development, education, and/or research to the development of the nurse (mentee), a nurse who is less experienced in the mentor's area of expertise. Formal programs generally involve a mentee who desires to expand his/her knowledge or expertise, either in a focused area or more general role development. Critical to the success of these programs and the development of leadership skills is knowledge of the programs and opportunities that are available. This presentation, aimed at potential mentors and mentees, will give an overview of national and international mentoring programs of interest to pediatric nurses. Included will be program descriptions, qualifications, application process, and contact information. Participation in these mentoring programs supports development of leadership skills, collaboration and opportunities for networking, and renewal for both mentor and mentee.