Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Models for Leadership Education
A Competency-Based Model for Leadership Education
Gail Tumulty, RN, PhD, CNAA, Department of Nursing, Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe the use of the Competency Assessment in Distributed Education (CADE) model for the design of nursing leadership courses at the graduate level
Learning Objective #2: Utilize the CADE methodology to develop competency-based leadership courses for the online environment

There is a critical need to prepare nurses with graduate degrees to serve as nurse leaders and managers. Even in the United States, congressional reports issued in recent years indicate that the projected supply of nurses prepared at the advanced degree level to serve in leadership positions is not nearly the number needed to meet current demand. The need is even greater in underdeveloped countries. A new and innovative model of curriculum design for a web-based curriculum has been developed. The process for using the Competency Assessment in Distributed Education (CADE) model for the design of leadership courses will be described. The CADE design approach from competencies to evidence to tasks makes the assessment of student competency mastery within instructional tasks an explicit requirement of course development. The quality and viability of the innovative CADE competency-based approach has been well established. This presentation will explain the CADE Model of competency assessment in the development of a graduate program that is available world-wide. This session will introduce participants to a new and innovative model of course development for leadership education. The model is specifically developed to assist faculty to transition from the face to face to the on-line environment. The focus on competencies ensures the integrity and transfer of content in any environment and is invaluable for those struggling to teach leadership knowledge and skills in innovative ways.