Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : The Leader's Role in the Creation of Caring Environments
Caring in Nursing Education
Bernadette Marie Dragich, PhD, APRN, BC, Associate Degree Nursing, Bluefield State College, Bluefield, WV, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe three key elements of a caring learning environment
Learning Objective #2: Name three caring practices which are beneficial to nursing students and their patients

This paper recognizes the process of caring as interpretative evolving from personal experience. Narratives are used to explore beliefs and assumptions about caring in professional practice Caring within nursing and nursing education is viewed from a feminist perspective. Personal narrative assists in uncovering caring essence as a basis for inquiry in nursing education. Theoretical constructs from education ,nursing and feminist literatures are explored to develop a personal model of caring within nursing education. Nursing students must be educated within a caring learning environment so they can develop a caring stance with patients. Dialogue within teacher-student interaction is the center of such an environment. This dialogue encourages authentic presence with students which guide their intuitive knowing. Nursing students must learn to let their intuitive sense guide the use of technology. Of course, this means educating their intuitions. Autobiographical vignettes are used to reflect on the experience of a nurse educator as caring guides teaching-learning activities in a nursing curriculum. Caring within clinical teaching encourages reflection and increases self-awareness, while uniting theory and practice. This process encourages students to be receptive to patients and values contextual experiences. An examination of contextual experience shows that care is relational and encourages connections with others. Care is sustained through relationships that give voice to individuals. This process of giving voice makes caring more visible to others. This visibility allows nurses to celebrate caring occasions and validates the worth of caring in nursing. Caring practices within nursing education help students recognize the power within them to institute change. This process helps them stay in touch with what they need as individuals as they provide care to others. Methods to make caring more visible and beneficial are discussed as they relate to nursing education.