Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Manager's Role in Retention
Developing a Nursing Retention Program That Promotes Excellence in Clinical Practice
Shawn Ray, RN, MSN, CCRN, Nursing Administration, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe the process for developing a retention committee
Learning Objective #2: Describe a framework for developing a professional staff development program

Chronic understaffing due to high nursing turnover and vacancy rates damages employee morale and relations. The nurses feel overworked and are concerned about quality of care. They are resentful of perks given to replacement labor. Patient Care Services at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri is currently undergoing bed expansion and program growth. Improved retention of our nursing staff became a top priority in a climate of nurse shortage and the subsequent challenges with recruitment. Better retention is essential for maintaining the gains from aggressive recruitment efforts. In order to understand the issues surrounding nursing retention, our institution implemented the role of Chief Retention Officer in conjunction with a Patient Care Services Retention Committee. This presentation will discuss the implementation of this role, the committee, professional staff development programs and outcomes. Discussion of the importance of healthy work environments, professional development, relationships, communication and shared governance will be highlighted. Descriptions of the effects of these efforts on maintaining Magnet status will be provided.