Tuesday, November 15, 2005: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Storytelling: A Leadership Tool to Shape Culture
Learning Objective #1: Understand story leadership theory and types of leadership tools: Why Am I Here, Who I Am, I Know What You Are Thinking, Entertainment, Vision, Value
Learning Objective #2: Create awareness of relationship of story telling leadership tool to create trust, integrity, and relationship building, thus increasing the healthiness of the work environment
Story is an untapped creative leadership tools and skill. Story- telling is more meaningful than fact when shaping culture There are seven leadership types of stories: Who am I, Why am I here, Value, Vision, So, That is What You Think, and Teaching. Storytelling is a skill of empowering trust, building relationships and shaping cultures that will help achieve the strategic goals of an institution and help create a work place that is healthy. Staff remembers stories, repeat stories, create their own stories and have feelings about stories. Stories, if visible, can be contagious and build a sustainable healthy work culture. This presentation enacts and role plays “stories” in a creative manner. The presentation demonstrates the use of story to build relationships with staff creating a caring culture. The authors collected over 107 diversified nurses’ stories. The stories will make you cry, think, laugh, reflect on the true mission of nurses and energize you to use stories and branding as a leadership tools. The nurse story themes are: caring, compassionate, trustworthy, tireless work humor, diversification and creativity. The stories are about people/leaders who are in focus with our staff who are with patients during the first moments of life, its progression, human suffering sometimes to the point of watching for death and life’s moments. By the end of the presentation, the audience will have a great appreciation for the “stories of nurses” as a leadership tool. By the end of the presentation, leadership will know how to elicit stories, tell stories and value stories in shaping a vision and culture. The presentation will create sensitivity to listening and gathering “stories and brands of nurses,” with experiences and stories illustrated from “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives, and the Story of Nurses. (Smeltzer, Vlasses, 2003 ,Sigma Theta Tau International).
Organizer:Fran R. Vlasses, RN, PhD
Presenter:Carolyn Hope Smeltzer, RN, EdD, FACHE, FAAN

Sigma Theta Tau International
38th Biennial Convention - Leadership Sessions
November 15, 2005
Indianapolis, IN