Monday, November 3, 2003

This presentation is part of : Testing through Research Methodology

Decisional Balance for Patient Choice

Deborah Finnell, DNS, RN, NPP, School of Nursing, School of Nursing, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe psychometric properties of decisional balance measure, "autonomy in treatment"
Learning Objective #2: Discuss how to use the measure in mediational analyses

The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) by Prochaska and DiClemente is gaining worldwide interest. Clinicians and scientists around the globe are recognizing the application of the TTM for a wide variety of behaviors, for various populations, across cultures and languages. The presenter has tested the TTM for use with individuals with co-occurring disorders (a mental disorder combined with a substance-use disorder). This pilot study was conducted during the presenter�s participation as an awardee in the 2001 NIMH/NINR Mentorship Program: Building the Capacity of Psychiatric Nurse Researchers. Her mentor was Dr. James O. Prochaska. As more information is available to recipients of health care and fueled by the consumer movement, patients are empowered to take a more active role in their treatment. Yet few studies on patient choice have been conducted, especially for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Incorporating choice in treatment settings and conducting research on patient choice is challenging. Once patient choice is allowed, we lose control as professionals and as scientists. Randomization to choice eliminates the selection effect of patients� decision making. This pilot study was conducted to guide the design of a future study on patient choice. The first objective was to develop a decisional balance measure, a key construct of the TTM, for patient choice. A patient focus group was used to develop items for the decisional balance scale. The second objective of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the measure. The survey was administered to patients enrolled in residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment programs. This presentation will present the decisional balance measure and its psychometric properties. The presenter will present the study design for the future study, discussing the merit of examining, not only the direct effects of choice, but the mediating effects of decisional balance as well.

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