Monday, November 14, 2005
This presentation is part of : Nursing Education, Learning and Assessment
Beyond the Classroom Walls: Expanding Learning Opportunities With the Use of Audio Over PowerPoint
Patricia A. Trangenstein, PhD, RN, BC, Norma Wall, RNC, MSN, and Anne Kiessling, MBA. Frist Nursing Informatics Center, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN, USA
Learning Objective #1: Identify uses for audio over PowerPoint to expand classroom learning
Learning Objective #2: Recognize the advantages and drawbacks of using audio over PowerPoint

The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing has an active distance learning program using a blended approach. Students at a distance come to campus approximately once a month over an extended weekend for face-to-face classes. Given the limited face-to-face time, instructors wanted to use this precious time more effectively. An early solution was to video stream lectures while they were being given, and to press the session to CDs (along with their PowerPoint and other handouts). The current solution was to combine the speaker's voice with their PowerPoint slides using Microsoft Producer for PowerPoint (a free program). Once captured, the audio was synchronized with each slide and students navigated the presentation at will rather than in a linear fashion. Unlike the traditional classroom presentation, students can review and go over the materials as many times as was needed. This enhanced presentation was either pressed to CD or streamed from the web with little post-production effort and minimal instructor training.

Students viewed the audio over PowerPoint presentation prior to coming to campus. The face-to-face meetings were then used for skill demonstration or in-depth discussion rather than content delivery. Since we have begun using this approach, its use has been expanded to include experts who were not available during scheduled class time and the conversion of the audio to mp3 for download to portable audio devices such as iPods. This presentation will demonstrate the process of capturing audio with PowerPoint, the effective uses such an approach and the lessons we have learned.