Poster Presentation
Monday, November 14, 2005
This presentation is part of : Poster Presentations
The Influence of Concept Mapping on Critical Thinking
Margaret Nucero, MSN, NPC, Nursing, St. Francis Medical Center, Trenton, NJ, USA
Learning Objective #1: Identify an innovative approach to planning and organizing nursing care
Learning Objective #2: Identify the application of the novice to expert nursing model for student nursing education

Abstract Purpose: the purpose of this study is to determine if concept mapping influences critical thinking scores on standardized tests in student nurses who have completed a two-year hospital-based diploma program. Sample: The sample will consist of 100 records of students who have been exposed to the concept-mapping program and 100 records of students who have not been exposed to the concept-mapping program. Methodology: Critical thinking scores of the Health Education Systems Inventory (HESI) and the Mosby AssessTest will be examined for three years prior to the use of concept mapping and for three years after concept mapping had been used in the nursing program. Data Analysis: A t-test for independent groups will be used to compare differences in mean critical thinking scores on the HESI and Mosby AssessTest to determine if the concept-mapping program increases critical thinking scores in student nurses.