Monday, July 7, 2008
This presentation is part of : Strategies in Chronic Care Populations
Urinary Incontinence: Prevention and Treatment Strategies
Shannon Cohen, Primary Care Clinic, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salem, VA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Verbalize 2 myths about incontinence. Discuss the effects of urinary incontinence. Name three causes of acute or transient incontinence. Perform a focused physical examination of a patient with urinary incontinence
Learning Objective #2: Define the four types of incontinence and name one treatment strategy for each type. Verbalize three prevention strategies for urinary incontinence. List three causes of chronic incontinence.

The issue of urinary incontinence is a considerable societal concern which is reflected in the long aisle of incontinence products in each grocery store. Over fifteen billion dollars are spent on incontinence supplies annually in the United States. Incontinence affects patient relationships, employment, and self-esteem and is also very costly monetarily. Patients are too embarrassed to ask for information and often wait several years before broaching the subject. Asking patients questions about incontinence is essential and this session will enable nurses to improve their approach to this subject and increase their confidence in treating this condition.

Current information about treatment of incontinence including medications is particularly relevant to advanced practice nurses/ nurse practitioners. There is no single solution to the problem of incontinence but there are many options for treatment.