Thursday, July 10, 2008
This presentation is part of : Issues in Community and Home Healthcare
Do the Types of Healthcare Providers Make Self Care Practices of Diabetic Patients Different?
Haejung Lee, PhD, RN, College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea, Sukhee Ahn, PhD, RN, School of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea, and Yongsuk Kim, PhD, RN, College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, South Korea.
Learning Objective #1: understand the differences in health care outcomes according to the health care providers
Learning Objective #2: identify the needs of specialized health care providers in primary care setting.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in characteristics, life style, self care practices according to the types of health care providers diabetic patients choose for their primary care. Method: A total of 175 patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus were recruited from 10 outpatient clinics. Using SPSS WIN 10.0 program, ÷2-test and t-tests were performed to answer the research questions. Results: Forty five percent of the participants received specialist care by endocrinologist at secondary or tertiary hospitals and 55% had general physician's care at public health centers. Participants who cared by specialist had higher educational levels and better annual household incomes than those by generalist. Participants receiving specialist cares were more likely to have insulin therapy, exercised more regularly, and smoked less than those receiving generalist cares. Participants in specialist group performed self-care better, reported better self-efficacy on diabetic management, and controlled glycemic control better (blood glucose and HbA1c) than those in generalist group. Conclusion: The study represents the possibilities in service disparities in Korea between specialist and generalist cares. Further study is needed to explore specific aspects of service disparities and possible intervention to reduce service disparity such as utilizing nurse specialized diabetic care.