Tuesday, July 8, 2008
This presentation is part of : Health Promotion Strategies for the Adult Population
Measurement Model for the Distribution of Unhealthy Behaviors for Manufacturing Populations
Cynthia Kelly, PhD, RN, Nursing, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Learning Objective #1: Measurement/survey model/tool for assessing number of healthy/unhealthy smoking, diet and exercise behaviors for a manufacturing population who are ready for change.
Learning Objective #2: Identify the expected distribution of smokers, and those with at least 1 or more unhealthy dietary or exercise habits in a manufacturing population.

Measurement Model for the Distribution of Unhealthy Behaviors for Manufacturing Populations


Companies interested in addressing major health behavior issues should begin by identifying the number of employees (needs assessment) who currently have behaviors that could negatively impact employee health (O'Donnell, & Harris, 1994). This is especially true for hourly manufacturing employees, as the research literature does not provide sufficient or readily available information regarding the expected distribution of unhealthy behaviors (smoking, diet, and exercise). Occupational nursing can use the materials provided from this presentation to measure and plan for the expected number of employees who would benefit from healthy lifestyle, health promotional activities.

Findings from a cross-sectional study of employees (N=178) provides evidence of the distribution of unhealthy behaviors across gender, ethnic/racial, age groups and educational levels.