Poster Presentation

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Thursday, July 10, 2008
9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Thursday, July 10, 2008
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
This presentation is part of : POSTERS: Chronic Illness
The Effect on Characteristics of Chronic Diseases and the Patients Perception the Stress from Disease
Shu-Min Lu, RN, MSN, Nursing Department, Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, Tzu-Yu Ou, PhD, Center of General Education, Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, and Chen-Kuan Huang, RN, MSN, Nursing Department, Cardinal Tein College of Health and Management, Taipei County, Taiwan.
Learning Objective #1: The learner will be able to understand the effects on characteristics of chronic diseases.
Learning Objective #2: The learner will be able to understand the patients perception the stress from disease.

The purpose of this study was to describe the effect on characteristics of chronic diseases and the patients perception the stress from disease. Two hundred and one adults diagnosed with type II diabetes were recruited from diabetes education outpatient of medical center hospital in Taoyuan Taiwan. Measures included personal information, disease characteristics, and the " Perception Disease Stress Scale, PDSS". Data were analyzed by SPSS statistical software packages, descriptive analysis and nonparametric analysis, included Kruskal-Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney Test were used to analyze the data (SPSS 13.0 version). The results showed: 1) the overall PDSS was 3.12 points (total of 5 points), the highest was "stress from the body"(MeanąSD3.66ą0.80) which the scoring rate is the highest (accounts for 73.2%), and secondary were psychological and social stresses; 2)we found a statistically significant result between had diabetes more than 10 years and smaller than any other years had higher the disease causing bodily stress (p<0.01); 3) we also found a significant result between the patients had friends suffering from the disease and without friends suffering from the disease had higher the disease causing bodily stress (p<0.05). We hope the results of this study will take advantage of the chronic diseases health education in the future, and improved the quality of care in the clinical nursing practice.