Thursday, July 10, 2008
This presentation is part of : Information Technology Initiatives
Establish and Compare the Effectiveness of the Quality Indicator Informatics System
Li-Yin Chang, RN1, Yann-Fen Chao, PhD2, Yin-Yin Chang, RN3, and Hsiu-Hui Yu, RN3. (1) 1.School of Nursing 2.Department of Nursing, 1.National Yang Ming University, 2.Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, (2) School of Nursing, Taipei medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, (3) Department of Nursing, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Learning Objective #1: understand the establish steps of the quality indicator informatics system in this study.
Learning Objective #2: understand the effectiveness of the quality indicator informatics system in this study.

The purpose of this study is to establish and compare the effectiveness of the quality indicator informatics system. This study was of quasi-experimental research design; the quality indicator informatics system was designed using JAVA and HTML language by one of the researchers, while the specialty of quality indicator informatics system focuses on the representation of quality monitoring data, communication of nursing information, the management, and translation to patient-safety reports. Quality indicators include: physical restraints and falls. The entire steps throughout a systems development life cycle (SDLC)- is an initial analysis through to design and implementation, in addition to summative evaluation conducted upon completion of the system after 2 months. The results showed that the nurses accept levels above 80% in a study of 577 nursing staff. The administrative staff could save up to 71.17% in physical restraints and 56.78% in fall indicators of time spent in their monthly tasks. The findings of this study pointed to the conclusion that the quality indicator informatics system increases efficiency and helps nurses improve the flow of quality indicator monitoring systems.