Friday, July 11, 2008
This presentation is part of : Using Technology to Improve Clinical Decision-Making
Building a Research-Based Multicultural/Multilingual Health Web Site:
Vicki Hines-Martin, RN, PhD, School of Nursing, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
Learning Objective #1: discuss a program of research that supports the development of a multicultural/ multilingual health information web site.
Learning Objective #2: identify approaches for inclusion of diverse populations as partners in health information development

The literature identifies that health disparities are a critical health care issue for minority and vulnerable populations. These populations are disadvantaged in relation to health outcomes, health care provision, and health inform. Research that facilitates health information that is congruent with the needs of these populations as they perceive them is vitally needed to support informed decision making. This paper will describe the development of a multicultural and multilingual health information web site that was based on research with the following populations - African American, Hispanic/Latino, recent immigrant (Somali, Korean and Chinese), and Gay,Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered individuals. Nine focus groups and computer generated data were collected from 160 participants to develop the web site Participants identified many common needs but also identified unique health perspectives that facilitated custom web development approaches including language translation for each population. Findings from the study can assist others in developing research based health information and act as a foundation for multicultural online research.