The Rest of the Story: An EBP Mentoring Project Revisited

Monday, 7 July 2008: 10:30 AM
Marcia Rucker Shannon, MSN, RN, CS , Crystal M. Lange College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI
Elizabeth Roe, PhD, MS, RN , Crystal M. Lange College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI
Sally A. Decker, PhD, RN , Nursing, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI
Chen Lin, RN , Oncology Department, Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Hospital, Guangzhou, China

Learning Objective 1: describe phased-in implementation of an EBP project in another country, specifically China.

Learning Objective 2: implement this EBP mentoring strategy in another culture.

An Evidence-based practice initiative has been the focus of an on-going international exchange between Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) in Michigan and the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University in Guangzhou, China. This initiative has evolved over the last few years and some of the earlier initiates have been shared with STTI in previous conferences. Initially, faculty from SVSU visited Jinan to present information to nurses on EBP. After this, Chinese nurses suggested potential nursing questions that could be used for an Evidence Based Practice Assignment, in a Critical Thinking and Communication class, by SVSU students. Students then researched the topics using the Stetler Model, making sure findings were culturally relevant, and sent the findings back with another faculty member to present to the nurses at Jinan. The next step in the initiative was to research the organizational readiness of Jinan University using the Advancing Research in Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) Model by Melnky and Fineour-Overhalt. Insights were learned as to the nature of questions asked in other cultures, availability of resources, role of health care professionals and interpretation of EBP in another culture. Now, the rest of the story is that in winter semester 2008, a Chinese nurse is coming to SVSU. She is bringing with her some potential questions for EBP study. She will be assigned a SVSU student group with which to work and will complete the EBP assignment with them from beginning to end. In this way she will learn the process by actually researching a relevant question posed by her staff. The Chinese nurse will then return to Guangzhou and present the findings herself and become a mentor to nurses in her facility on EBP. She will share what she learned while completing this project in terms of process and use of technology.