Learning Objective 1: describe the preparation of healthy ageing among Chinese adults.
Learning Objective 2: evaluate the cultural influence on Chinese adults’ preparation of healthy ageing.
This qualitative exploratory study investigated the preparation of healthy ageing among Chinese adults in Hong Kong. A purposive sample of twelve Chinese adults who will be in the elder group in the 2030s was invited to participate in semi-structured interviews. An objective of the interviews was to explore the participants' belief on the ways for preparing a healthy ageing and the preparatory work that they have actually performed. The interview data were recorded, transcribed, and coded for thematic analysis.
Results revealed a significant discrepancy between the belief and practice about one's preparation of healthy ageing. Participants generally believed that the preparation needed to be multidimensional in nature including the physical, psychological, social, and financial aspects. They were also aware that the preparatory work should begin at the adult age. However, many of them were not actively preparing for their ageing owing to a number of immediate, perceptual and contextual factors. The Chinese cultural influence on their belief and practice was highlighted.
To address the potentially marked impact of the ageing population, a better understanding and practice about preparation for healthy ageing should be advocated. The results of this study provide valuable implications to both individuals and the society for preparing a healthy aged population.
Census and Statistics Department (2004). Hong Kong in Figures. Hong Kong: Government Printer.
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