Learning Objective 1: Discuss about significance of the Coming to Terms Scale with THA
Learning Objective 2: Identify importance of preadmission patient education for THA patients
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the preadmission education program on come to terms for patients undergoing primary THA surgery.
Design: An evaluation research design.Methods: Female patients were referred to the preadmission education program by their doctors working at two hospitals. Subjects scheduled to undergo THA were randomly allocated to either an intervention group (IG: n=17) or a control group (CG: n=18). IG patients received preadmission education by a researcher, while CG patients received routine preoperative education by staff nurses. IG patients were given an information videotape and a pamphlet about THA. Both groups were assessed during preadmission,1-3 days after hospitalization, and 1-3 days before discharge. "Coming to Terms Scale (CTS)" (χ square test(20)=23.27, GFI=0.95, CFI=0.96, and Cronbach α =0.644) consisting of 8 items was used for the measurement. Repeated measures ANOVA were used for the analyses.
Results: No significant group x time interaction was noted for CTS. Main effect of time showed significance(F(2,66)=5.16,p<0.01).
Conclusion: The results show that the preadmission program didn't promote "come to terms with THA", but "come to terms" is upping with time. These results may help nurses to understand an importance of time for THA surgery patients along with the recovery process in order to adopt a new life style.