Learning Objective 1: Describe the Exam Analysis process.
Learning Objective 2: Discuss two factors which are related to poor examination performance.
This study focused on evaluating the usefulness of the Exam Analysis in helping students improve their success on nursing examinations.
The Exam Analysis is a diagnostic and prescriptive program in which a student and an instructor identify the reason(s) why the student failed to answer specific questions correctly on an exam. Problems related to incorrect answers are categorized into five problem areas and specific interventions are suggested to resolve the identified problems.
Questionnaires were sent to students participating in an exam analysis during the previous school term. Grades on an examination(s) in a specific course were compared before and after participation in an exam analysis. The percent of problems in each problem area identified by the exam analyses were calculated. Students were asked to rate the usefulness of the prescribed interventions and to record the degree of compliance with which they followed the prescribed interventions. Instructions on how to do an exam analysis will be included in the discussion.
Summary of Study Findings
Thirty students were randomly selected to participate in the study. Comparison of exam grades before and after participating in an Exam Analysis showed a significant improvement in the percentage of questions answered correctly. In comparing the percentage of problems contributing to poor grades, in five categories, it was found that lack of knowledge and poor exam taking skills were significantly more important than were English language skills, exam anxiety, math skills or other problems. Participants ranked improved exam taking skills followed by increased self confidence and improved study skills as the most important outcomes of participation in the Exam Analysis. Compliance with the prescribed interventions was significantly correlated with improved exam performance.
Implications for Nursing Education
1. Student exam performance can be improved with Exam Analysis.
2. Repeat study with larger population.
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