Friday, 11 July 2008: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Patricia A. Kiladis, MS, RN
8:50 AM
Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Nursing Students' Approaches to Learning
Idy C.Y. Fu, RN, BN, MPHC, The University of Hong Kong;
Agnes F. Y. Tiwari, PhD, RN, The University of Hong Kong;
Veronica S.F. Lam, RN, RM, BAppSc, MN, MHA, The University of Hong Kong;
Felix K.H. Yuen, RN, RMN, RNT, DMS, BA, MSc, PhD, The University of Hong Kong;
Sophia S.C. Chan, PhD, MPH, MEd, PRDHCE, DNA, RN, RSCN, The University of Hong Kong
9:10 AM
Effectiveness of An Intervention to Enhance PBL Tutorial Process
Veronica S.F. Lam, MN, MHA, BAppSc, (Nursing), RN, RM, The University of Hong Kong;
Agnes F. Y. Tiwari, PhD, RN, The University of Hong Kong;
Idy C.Y. Fu, RN, BN, MPHC, The University of Hong Kong;
Felix Yuen, RN, RMN, RNT, DMS, BA, MSc, PhD, The University of Hong Kong;
Sophia S.C. Chan, PhD, MPH, MEd, PRDHCE, DNA, RN, RSCN, The University of Hong Kong