Learning Objective 1: 1.Evaluate the need and resources for developing a nurse educators organization in your community.
Learning Objective 2: 2. Discuss the factors to consider when developing a nurse educators organization.
Several factors were identified that resulted in an idea for the creation of a nurse educators organization. These factors included: faculty shortage, increase use of part-time nursing faculty with little or no education experience, increase demands on staff educators who also have little or no education experience, and reduced opportunities for faculty development due to financial constraints. The objective of this nurse educators organization is to enhance and promote the specialization of nursing education and foster collaboration and develop collegiality among nurse educators.
Methods: This project was supported through Sigma Theta Tau International Chiron Mentoring Program. A needs assessment survey was conducted to validate the creation of this organization. The data from this survey will be presented. The presentation will discuss the process of developing this organization and include the selection of Board of Directors, development of bylaws, establishment of a non for profit organization, and acquisition of membership.
The organization held two conferences for members. The evaluations from these conferences will be presented.
To date, there are 30 members of this organization. The attendance at the two conferences that have been held have been very positive. We continue to get postitive feedback for this organization and the need for the organizaiton in this area. The future plan is to hold an all day seminar with a nationally known nurse educator expert as a key note speaker.
See more of: Research Sessions � Oral Paper & Posters