Stroke: The Nursing Diagnoses Analysis Show in the Activity/Exercise Branch

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Thelma Leite Araujo, MSc, PhD1
Rafaella Pessoa Moreira, MS2
Tahissa Frota Cavalcante, MS2
1Nursing Department, University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
2Nursing Departament, University of Ceará - UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil

Learning Objective 1: Discuss the importance of the nursing diagnoses shown in the Activity/ Exercise branch in clients with stroke.

Learning Objective 2: Reflect on the nursing evaluation upon clients with stroke injuries based on the nursing diagnoses.

Introduce:To determine nursing diagnoses is a necessary task, contributing to the  planning of the interventions in clients who survived after the stroke.

Purpose: The study aimed analyzing the nursing diagnoses shown in the Activity/Exercise branch in clients with stroke during the rehabilitation period

Methods: A transversal study, done amongst 121 clients who attended rehabilitation units in Fortaleza City- Ceará- Brazil, with data collected from November, 2007 to March, 2008. The nursing diagnoses were named under the Taxonomy II by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), published in 2008. The level of significance adopted was of 5%.

Results: The majority of the clients was elderly men, without a partner, retired or pensioners and had low education and income per capta. They showed an average of 6.7 nursing diagnoses; 25.1 defining characteristics; 4.6 related factors and 10.1 risky factors. All the diagnoses of the branch studied were identified, but: Falling risk, Impaired physical mobility, Impaired deambulation, Sedentary lifestyle, Risk for disuse syndrome, Risk for intolerance to the activity and Impaired transference capability had the frequency of over 50% and were used for the statistic analysis. A statistically significant relation among the diagnoses was found, except from: Falling risk, Impaired physical mobility, Impaired deambulation and Impaired transference capability with the diagnosis Risk for intolerance to the activity. The defining characteristics, related factors and risky factors were statistically associated with the majority of the nursing diagnoses. Such fact is explanatory for all are part of the same branch within NANDA (2008).

Conclusion: One may conclude that the majority of the nursing diagnoses showed statistically association amongst them. The Impaired muscular force and Neuromuscular damage were the most frequent related factors found, causing, thus, the main consequences for the stroke. The study permitted a deep knowledge upon the Activity/Exercise branch in clients with stroke.