The Use of An Intercultural Competence Model in a BScN Program for Internationally Educated Nurses

Thursday, 15 July 2010: 1:45 PM

Patricia Bradley, MEd, PhD, RN
Mina Singh, BScN, MEd, PhD, RN
Karin Page-Cutrara, RN, BNSc, MN
School of Nursing, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Learning Objective 1: describe how they can use the intercultural competence model in practice or education

Learning Objective 2: consider ways in which intercultural competence can be taught and demonstrated

One of the greatest challenges for internationally educated nurses (IENs) moving into the Canadian healthcare workforce is communication (Davis, 2003; Guttman, 2004; McGuire, & Murphy, 2005). Testing for technical language skills may be necessary but is not sufficient to determine how an individual can communicate with patients (Kawi, & Xu, 2009). The purpose of the presentation is to present a model of intercultural competence (ICC) developed by the researchers as a foundation for a BScN curriculum for IENs.
The ICC model was founded on the Delphi definition of intercultural competence and expands the concept of sociolinguistic competency. Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations based on one’s intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Deardorff , 2008). This multi-dimensional model was developed from the above definition and the national competencies for communication in entry level nursing practice.
The ICC content has been integrated in a number of ways into the curriculum. We will demonstrate how ICC content modules were developed and uploaded to iTunes for IEN mobile learning. We will present some of the ICC vignettes that were video recorded (through the use of actors and students) to demonstrate positive and negative communication scenarios for personal student learning. Feedback and debriefing of student recordings are incorporated into personal electronic portfolios for review and deliberate reflective practice. Learning outcomes of ICC are measured through Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCEs) and electronic portfolio artifacts. The use of the ICC Model has potential for use in other educational and practice settings to address the diversity of patients and nurses.