The Influence of Evidence-Based Nursing Educational Intervention Promotion

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Wang Yu-Rung, MSN, RN
Chiang Hui-Ying, PhD, RN
Tang Hsin-Ju, MSN, RN
Ding Shean-Ling, MSN, RN
Department of Nursing, Chi Mei Medical Center, Yong Kang City, Taiwan

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to a training program of three months included 3 steps that are back-up, look-up, and move-up.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to back-up is empowerment and facilitation, the nurses learned concept of EBN, introduction of databases, literature searching and critical appraisal.

Background: Evidence-based practice has become an effective approach to improve healthcare quality through a sound evaluation on existing literatures, clinical experiences, and patient expectations. To clinical nurses, the competence of evidence-based nursing (EBN) is needed while delivering nursing care. However, there is limited training and exploration related to this competence in nursing school in Taiwan. A 3-step educational program of EBN is used. Through this program, participated nurses are trained then apply evidence-based concept to improve nursing standards.
Method: There were 30 nurses recruited who had interests on EBN. Most of them were senior nurses with baccalaureate degrees in units. A training program of three months included 3 steps that are back-up, look-up, and move-up. The purpose of the back-up is empowerment and facilitation, the nurses learned concept of EBN, introduction of databases, literature searching and critical appraisal. Following the look-up, the nurses worked as small groups to make PICOs based on clinical situations. Last, demonstrating the answers of PICOs.
Result: The result showed that the nurses’ competences related EBN were improved such as evidence-based concept, database search (p< .000, t= -8.55), critical appraisal and database search skill (p<.000, t= -8.82). The nurses applied EBN to modify nursing standards of skin disinfectantAtime of cryotherapy care and sputum suction via endotracheal. 
Conclusion: The goal of the 3-step EBN program is achieved. It is beneficial to promote evidence-based nursing to better clinical nursing and to increase nurses’ professional knowledge.