Novice to Expert: Enhancing Clinical Decision Making of Registered Midwives

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Rozina Shazad Ramji, RN, RM, BScN
Nursing Division, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
Khurshid Khowaja, PhD
Nursing Services, The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan

Learning Objective 1: Enhance knowledge and skill in order to deliver safe care to mothers and neonates.

Learning Objective 2: Will provide opportunities for midwifes to develop professionally, integrating theory with practice.

Midwife means "with woman." (Fracer & cooper, 2004).Today's certified nurse-midwives continue to provide this personal care, which represents a bridge between traditional birth practices and modern technology. Nurse-midwives provide primary care to childbearing women in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings including hospitals, homes, and birth centers. They provide that care from a core belief that birth is not a medical event, but a very normal physiologic process.
Midwives are deemed to be competent and proficient at the point of qualification. Competence and proficiency for midwives are defined and measured qualitatively and quantitatively in both theory and practice (UKCC, 1999; NMC, 2004a).

Objects: objective of the study was to enhance midwifes knowledge and skill in order to deliver safe care to mothers and neonates, This study will provide an opportunity to identify the level of competency (knowledge and skill) of nurses caring for mothers and neonates at four AKHSP hospitals. There is no documented and published evidence of competencies assessment and management, thus indicates that the present study is the first study on assessment of competencies of registered midwife, at four AKHSP hospitals in order to prevent neonatal mortality rates.

Design: Exploratory descriptive study design.


This study will be conducted by using single group pretest - post test design.  This design will help to examine changes in knowledge and skill and other related competencies among registered midwife group In all four AKHSP hospitalsResults: This study is in progress so result are awaited