Daily Leadership Visibility: Mission Possible!

Thursday, 15 July 2010: 11:10 AM

Rizalina M. Bonuel, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNS, APRN-BC1
Thelma G. Gray-Becknell, MSN, RN2
Lottie Lockett, MSN, RN, CNAA-BC3
Lynette Dorsey, MBA-HCM, RN3
1Education Service Line, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affair Medical Center, Texas, TX
2Nursing Department, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affair Medical Center, Houston, TX
3Clinical Practice Office, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX

Learning Objective 1: 1. Discuss a communication strategy to promote organizational transparency

Learning Objective 2: 2. Discuss the importance of the visibility of senior leadership to staff nurses.

Visibility of the nursing leaders is crucial to create a culture of authenticity, creativity, and value that positively impact the care environment. Implementing a structured Daily Morning Report led by the Chief Nurse Executive to discuss census, staffing and patient care issues heightened staff awareness to patient safety. Commitment to provide best practice evidence-care and set new benchmark for excellence permeate down to all levels of the nursing staff: In Daily Morning Report, new employees are presented with a magnet pin, staff recognition of nursing excellence and patient compliments are announced, and important communication are shared. With the practice of the Daily Morning Report, first and second quarter comparison of NDNQI indicators were: Pressure Ulcer Prevalence 17% to 9%, Facility-acquired pressure ulcer 8% to 5%.Total restraints usage 63 to zero. Total VAP 4 to 1. VAP infection rate 5 to 3.Total CRBSI cases 1 compared to zero. Fall rate was 67 compared to 62.