Basic Skills in Prenatal Care: Actions of the Nursing Staff in the City of Cuiabá, Brazil

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Sebastiao Henrique Duarte, Junior, RN
Nursing, University Federal Of Mato Grosso, Cuiaba, Brazil

Learning Objective 1: O Objectivo da presente pesquisa que está sendo realizado para Analisar uma assistência pré-natal realizado por enfermeiros na cidade de Cuiabá, Brasil

Learning Objective 2: ações que levam ao atendimento especializado não atendimento pré-natal preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil.

Purpose: In Canada and the United States maternal deaths are down 9 per 100,000 live births, as against developing countries such as Bolivia, Peru and Haiti the number of maternal deaths exceeds 200. Considering all of Latin America is no record of more than 28,000 deaths in women due to complications that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. In 2003 Brazil had a maternal mortality ratio of 72.4 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, which corresponds to the same year the total of 1572 maternal deaths. It should be noted that the statistics of maternal mortality is very mixed when considering the distribution of such an occurrence in the five Brazilian regions, with no greater record of maternal deaths in the Northeast and Midwest as compared to the Southeast. These data reaffirm that maternal mortality in Brazil is an indicator of social inequality, which reflects the level of socioeconomic development of each region, representing a public health problem and its causes deserve to be investigated and measured, given the magnitude of the problem. 

Methods: Quantitative and descriptive study

Results: the study not conclud

Conclusion: Taking the relevance of the theme and as a contribution to the study of prenatal care by nurses in Brazil, it intends to pursue an investigation that seeks to identify, among the actions of nursing skills considered essential in prenatal care are being developed by professionals in Cuiabá, Brazil.