Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to understand the prevelance of compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, burnout, anxiety and depression in acute hospital nurses in western Australia.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to gain an appreciation of the factors enhancing compassion satisfaction and causing compassion fatigue in this cohort and suitable inteventions.
This mixed-method exploratory study is comprised of three phases. In Phase 1, we will ask nurses to complete an on-line survey that will provide information on their levels of compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, burnout, anxiety and depression. The scale to be used is the Professional Quality of Life Scale and the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale. Demographic information will also be collected. In Phase 2, we will run focus groups and interviews with nurses, who consent from Phase 1, to ascertain more detailed information about their working lives and these concepts. If there is a high level of compassion fatigue, burnout, anxiety and depression we will then explore suitable intervention programs that could be trialled to see if this will manage the compassion fatigue. This will be Phase 3 of the study – the design and trial of the intervention. A mimumum number of 200 nurses will participate in Phase 1 of the study; and approximately 48 nurses will participate in Phase 3 of the study.
Results: The study will commence in February 2012 and be completed by the end of June 2012. All of the data will be presented at the conference.
Conclusion: This will be the first study of its type in Australia.
See more of: Research Sessions: Oral Paper & Posters