Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to understand the importance of environmental issues and adverse climate change impacts on health.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to understand the transition from a traditional hospital to a more environmentally-friendly hospital.
Methods: The phenomenological methodology included an in-depth review of the literature which examined climate mitigating factors within the health care environment, particularly within Australian hospitals. The qualitative approach included in-depth semi structured interviews that permitted participants to express their experiences related to nursing practice in hospitals that are increasingly known as global, green and healthy hospitals.
Results: Contemporary nursing practice is dynamic. Not only does technology change rapidly and patient acuity is increasingly more complex, registered nurses increasingly have to consider how their practice impacts on the world’s climate. This adds yet another layer to what nurses already pack into a busy daily agenda.
Conclusion: No longer can health care organizations continue with 'business as usual', hospitals and nurses now have to be highly cognizant of the implications of their practice on the world’s climate.