Symptoms Disturbances Among Women with Gynecologic Cancer During Chemotherapy: A Longitudinal Approach

Monday, 30 July 2012

Hsueh-Chen Ku, RN, MSN
Graduate School of Nursing National Taipei University, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan
Lee-Ing Tsao, DNSc
School of Nursing, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan

Learning Objective 1: The study purpose was to explore the overtime symptom distress during the from T0 ( pre-chemotherapy ) to T6 ( the 6th cycle chemotherapy )

Learning Objective 2: To provide the better care and understanding for the women with Gynecologic cancer during the entire course of chemotherapy treatment

Chemotherapy would bring different health impacts for Gynecologic cancer women during the physical and psychological symptom distress during entire course of treatment. The study purpose was to explore the overtime symptom distress during the from T0 ( pre-chemotherapy ) to T6 ( the 6th cycle chemotherapy ) by longitudinal approach. This study was conducted at one medical center in Taipei by using longitudinal repeated measurements research design. 35 women mean aged 50.2 with gynecologist cancer were recruited to follow up their overtime symptom distress by using: Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. Data collection from the study baseline T0 to a 4-6 months T6 ( the end of chemotherapy ) follow-up for each cycle chemotherapy. The Physical and psychological changes were as follows: Physiological symptoms distress showed the highest score in T5 and lowest score in T0. Psychological symptoms distress showed the highest score in T0 and lowest score in T2. Severity ranking of symptoms of distress was as follows: decreased sexual interest, tingling sensation of hands or feet, tiredness, lack of energy, loss of hair, worry, dry mouth, sore muscles, lack of appetite, difficulties sleeping, etc. The most common symptoms of distress were: tiredness, lack of energy, decreased sexual interest, worry, tingling hands or feet, tiredness, dry mouth, depression mood, soreness of muscles, tension, loss of hair, etc. Different cycle of chemotherapy should have different health care. In addition, it is crucial to have assessment of symptom distress before each cycle of chemotherapy.