Application of Small Group Workshops and Case Report Discussion for Development in Evidence-Based Practice Education Programs

Thursday, 2 August 2012: 9:10 AM

Yu-Rung Wang, MSN, RN
Ying-Li Lee, MS, RN
Hui-Ying Chiang, PhD, RN
Su-Chen Hsu, MS, RN
Department of Nursing, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan City, Taiwan

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to investigate the effect of advanced evidence-based nursing (EBN) education in small group workshops and report discussion on case scenarios.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to understand application evidenced-base practice in clinical nurisng care.


Nurses need the access to the literature to integrate evidence-based practice knowledge from the research they read with their professional experiences to achieve best practice for patient’s healthcare. Evidence-based practice (EBP) should be integrated through education programs so as to elevate quality of patient care and reduce health cost. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of advanced evidence-based nursing (EBN) education in small group workshops and report discussion on case scenarios.


We planned 14hours evidence-based practice (EBP) education programs were introduced to learn advanced evidence-based nursing. There were16 nurses recruited who had completed training of basic evidence-based nursing education programs. Most of them were senior nurses with the following characteristics, including problem identification on clinical situations, choice of appropriate resources, critical appraisal skills and synthesis of findings. EBN tutors lead practice in small groups and group presentation of outcomes after every training program. Participates’ self-report learning effect in questionnaire and evaluation of EBN tutors teaching competencies were conducted each time after the training course. Then the participants needed to develop the nursing practice standards.


The result showed that the nurses’ competences in EBP improved the nursing practice. Another finding was that even with EBP outcomes, the nurses still lack of confidence to apply them at work. Confidence building was the goal to accomplish for the advanced EBP workshop at the current stage.


EBP is an important culture in clinical care process and can enhance critical thinking in clinical care process. It is beneficial to promote better clinical nursing setting and to increase nursing care practice.