Learning Objective 1: Appraise the relationships among class size, student and faculty engagement, learning outcomes, and satisfaction in online graduate nursing classes.
Learning Objective 2: Assist faculty worldwide in implementing the most effective strategies to improve the outcomes of online learning.
Methods: Data were collected from 2007 through 2010 using end of course student evaluations and Blackboard participation statistics. Simple linear regression, independent samples t-Test, and ANOVAS were used to test research questions.
Results: As class size increases, student participation in discussion forums increases but faculty participation decreases. Student satisfaction increases as class size decreases. Students perceive higher satisfaction and greater critical thinking skills when taught by full-time faculty.
Conclusion: Class size impacts faculty time, engagement in the course, and punctuality with returning assignments as well as student satisfaction with the instructor. Students perceive higher course value and greater critical thinking skills when courses are taught by full-time faculty instead of adjunct faculty.
See more of: Research Sessions: Oral Paper & Posters