Learning Objective 1: Describe the influence of a cultural immersion experience on stduent's spirituality.
Learning Objective 2: Identify excamples of sacred moments identified by participants.
Connections with others was identified as the most frequently journal theme. Each student team member related strong connections with other team members and the native population. Another major theme was the connection with the entire experience, such as the country and the beauty of nature, which provided a purpose, sense of peace, and gratitude for life. Although scores on the SWBS increased at the conclusion of the trip when compared with the scores prior to the immersion experience, the differences were not significant. Limitations include a small, convenience sample and perspectives were limited to those researchers who also participated in the cultural immersion experience. Results from this study contribute to the limited body of knowledge which exists about student nurses’ spiritual development during their baccalaureate education. Cultural immersion and other transformative learning experiences can provide opportunities for students to enhance their own spirituality.
See more of: Evidence-Based Practice Sessions: Oral Paper & Posters