Why Nurses Are Leaving?

Wednesday, 1 August 2012: 9:10 AM

Zehra Ali Muhammad Ahmed Parvani, RN, BScN
School Of Nursing, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan

Learning Objective 1: Identify the reasons for nurses’ high turn over.

Learning Objective 2: Explore factors influencing nurses’ retention.


The aim of this literature review is to clearly identify and outline the factors of turnover among nurses and provide nursing recruitment departments with the information which influence job satisfaction and increase nurses’ retention.

Methods: To review the literature supporting high turn over among nurses Medline, CINAHL, Pubmed, Science Direct and Cochrane Databases were used. The key words shortage, turn over, reasons, factors were used in conjunction with “nurses” to search the recent articles of last 10 years from 2001 to 2010.


Findings from literature search reveals that job dissatisfaction, market demand, lack of recognition by management, work load, burn out, lack of autonomy and nurse doctor collaboration are the reasons for high turn over among nurses.


The shortage of nurses has become an unquestionable fact internationally. Thus, this literature outline the factors influenced on nurses to leave their work places. Thus, it’s recommended that if organizational leaders can work to eliminate these reasons then there is a way to control this frequent move among nurses.