Community Awareness: Nutritional Patterns

Thursday, 2 August 2012: 9:10 AM

Anna Marie Hefner, RN, MSN, MaEd, CPNP1
Julia Pusztai, RN, BSN, MSN1
Catherine Heinlein, EdD, RN, PHN, RD, CDE1
Renee Pozza, RN, MSN, CNS, CFNP2
Tarek Hassanein, MD, FACP, FACG3
(1)School of Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA
(2)School of Nursing, Southern California Liver Centers and Azusa Pacific University, Coronado, CA
(3)Southern California Liver and GI Centers, Coronado, CA

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to identify risk factors for fatty liver disease in a client's diet.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to discuss the nutrients of diets of participants in a wellness program.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the reported diets of clients in a community wellness center. The Hispanic population is at higher risk for the development of fatty liver disease.  It is correlated with visceral obesity, insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and lipid deposition.  In a previously conducted survey of the community, the results identified obesity, high fat diets, lack of exercise and poor lifestyle choices as high risk factors for fatty liver disease.

Methods: Clients were enrolled in a wellness walking program in a community setting.  They were encouraged to walk daily and offered twice weekly walking sessions at the community wellness center.   Patients recorded a 3 day diet.  Demographic, diet and risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, height, weight, and calculated BMI were collected.  The diets were evaluated for the major food groups individually and then in a group setting the major themes of the diets were discussed.  Suggestions to improve diet, incorporating the client’s food preferences and income were given.

Results: Fifty clients participated in the diet summary analysis.  Demographics:  96% Hispanic, average age: 50 years 3 months, average weight 169 pounds.   Obese: 45.5%, overweight 36.7%, normal weight 17.8%. Gross diet analysis revealed an increase in carbohydrates and sugars in the diet.    Diabetic risk factors  were 8/18      and the cardiovascular risk factors was  2/6   .   33% of clients identified self high cholesterol levels.  There was a decrease in fruits and vegetables. Micronutrient diet analysis is being conducted.

Conclusions: Though clients are aware of the high risk factors contributing to fatty liver disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, the diet does not reflect this knowledge.  Education and heightened awareness of nutrition and the need for exercise continues to be needed.