Wednesday, 1 August 2012: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Description/Overview: This concluding session for the Caring International Research Collaborative (CIRC) track will facilitate synthesis of all the learning from the day using a generative dialogue experience, World Café. This methodology facilitates knowledge generation and integration through the use of diversity, invitation, listening, movement, questions, and energy (source: The World Café, 2006, by Brown and Isaacs. Published by Berrett-Hoehler). World Café was selected as a concluding methodology as it goes beyond the typical question-answer session to support deeper reflection and conversation about the topics presented. This World Café will be facilitated by an expert trained in this method. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in conversations that allow a “cross-pollination” of perspectives regarding content presented, including clarity of self, role, and system. The day will conclude with reflection by all present concerning what learning had the most meaning, and what the implications might be for research moving forward.
Learner Objective #1: Identify how clarity of self, role, and system relate to one another and culture change within organizations.
Learner Objective #2: Experience a method of dialogue that exemplifies professional reflective practice that draws upon the wisdom of the participants and presenter for future intentions and actions.
Moderators:  Gay Landstrom, MS, RN, Patient Care Services, Trinity Health System, Novi, MI
Symposium Organizers:  Jayne Felgen, RN, MBA, Administration/Consultant, Creative Health Care Management, Minneapolis, MN
World Cafe: Exploring the Meaning of Clarity in Professional Practice

Jayne Felgen, RN, MBA
Administration/Consultant, Creative Health Care Management, Minneapolis, MN