Sleep: A Critical Determinent of Health and Well Being

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Marie Ann Serina, RN-BC, MA, FNP-BC
Occupational Health, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY
Eileen Finerty, RN, MS, CIC, FNP
Infection Control and Occupational Health Services, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY

Learning Objective 1: The participant will be able to describe the Circadian Rhythm Sleep/Wake Cycle and identify the potential consequences associated with altered sleep patterns.

Learning Objective 2: The participant will explain positive community based intervention strategies to facilitate positive behavior changes to improve sleep/wake patterns.


The purpose of this educational poster presentation is to provide evidence-based strategies to promote healthy sleep behaviors and lifestyle changes to reduce associated health risks with health care shift workers.


Adapting the modified Soler Analytic Framework for Assessment of Health Risks with Feedback, nurse practitioners identified insomnia and fatigue as recurrent health risks. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale was conducted and identified health risks associated with disruptive sleep patterns.This disorder leads to a decline in work performance, impaired cognitive ability, and a decrease in patient safety, which are major public health concerns. The cost of work related accidents caused by sleepiness is estimated at $24.7 billion; the economic burden for sleep disorders is between $15.4- $56 billion in direct and indirect cost in the U.S.

This Occupational Health Department Wellness Project emanates from Healthy People 2020, which has identified the need for the development of educational programs, and recommends integration of these programs as community based interventions. Current scientific data provides evidence-based strategies to improve sleep patterns that impact on work performance and individual’s health resulting in safety risk reduction among healthcare shift workers.

Results: Repatterning of health risk behaviors will improve sleep/ wake cycles after a year of weekly worksite health promotion programming. The educational sessions will be designed specific to the individuals identified health risks stated in the needs assessment using "The Epworth Sleepiness Scale". Focus groups will be conducted by collaborating with other departments. After providing educational strategies stressing behavior changes, "The Epworth Sleepiness Scale" will be reconducted to measure if indeed behavior changes occurred with measured results.

Conclusion: Change in sleep/wake behaviors will occur after consistent and diverse worksite health promotion programs are comprehensively implemented in collaboration with other departments.