Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to discuss elements of nursing research in the hermeneutic perspective.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to identify aspects of child health care from mothers' perspective in the context of health promotion.
Methods: Qualitative study on hermeneutic perspective, established on a conceptual framework of the child’s essential needs, based on interviews recorded with 16 mothers, at their houses.
Results: The mothers’ reports show aspects about the presence and involvement of parents, child’s physical protection, security within limits and support interactions on the child’s daily care. Those mothers express awareness and responsibility about infancy development, pointing out which situations could be vulnerable to the child’s health. In moments of uncertainty, nurses are positive references to the mothers.
Conclusion: Knowledge and reflection about subjects’ needs, that most of the times are not recognized, or reduced to modulated demand through the offers of health services, are vital to the process of taking care and illuminating health practices. It is fundamental that health professionals expand their comprehension about infancy development, collaborating to reassure continuous supporters, protection, and respect to individual differences. They also might stimulate adequate experiences for child’s development, establishing limits as well as constructing solid and sustainer social network. Child’s security interposed by their essential needs contributes to a balanced effective on child growth and development process.