Nursing Efectiveness of Four Portuguese Hospitals

Tuesday, 23 July 2013: 4:10 PM

Fernando Amaral, RN, MsC

Learning Objective 1: know the efectiveness of nursing care in four portuguese hospitals

Learning Objective 2: know about nursing efectiveness model to achieve nursing outcomes


Testing the assumptions of the Nursing Role Effectiveness Model proposed by Irvine, Sidani, and McGillis Hall, 1998. Analyze the outcomes sensitive to nursing on a sample of medical and surgical patients in 4 Portuguese hospitals. Findings in functional status, self-care, management of symptoms, cognitive ability and therapeutic self-care. Association between practice environment interventions and outcomes. relationship between patient characteristics, including age, functional status at departure, with outcomes using the Theory Driven approach.

The methodological approach considers the concept nursing sensitive outcomes as respecting a condition, behaviour or a perception of a patient or family, measurable throughout a continuum that occurs as a response to a nursing intervention (Doran et al, 2001).


Longitudinal study with repeated measures

Application by nurses of the Inter Rai ® AC tool to achieve patients pré-morbid condition, admission to hospital conditions and discharge.

Application the practice environment scale of the nursing work index (Portuguese version)

Application to patients and nurses the Individualized care scale Portuguese version.

permission of ethic department for the study in medicine and surgery departments between March and July 2012

The sample of patients is accidental and they consent his or her participation on the study.


we have finish the data introduction on SPSS. So we haven’t yet the complete results but we can say that we have 1770 patients 365 nurses and the preliminary data is coherent with the theory that concludes with the importance of nursing on achieving health outcomes. That there is no sgnificative diferences on the hospital environments. In the presentation we’ll present all the data analyses  


expect to produce evidence that patients have benefits for being cared by nurses and that these outcomes depend not only of what we do as nurses, but also the characteristics of the environments in which the care occurs, and of patients and nurses characteristics.