Work Family Conflict in Working Women: Comparative Study

Monday, 22 July 2013

Tulay Yilmaz, PhD
Department of Midwifery, Istanbul University Faculty of Health Science, Istanbul, Turkey
Nevin Şahin, PhD
Department of Women Health and Disease Nursing, Istanbul University, Florence Nightingale Nursing Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey
Serpil Abali, RN
School of Nursing, Koç Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
Ozlem Serin Asci, RN
Department of Women Health Disease Nursing, Istanbul, Turkey
Nilgun Serbest Avci, MSN
Halic University, Istanbul, Turkey

Learning Objective 1: The work-family and family-work conflict experiences of nurses and female bank workers (FBW) will be determined.

Learning Objective 2: It will be possible to demonstrate the supervisor and partner support situations of nurses and FBW


 The aim of the study was to determine work-family conflict in working women


The sample of the study was 336 working women (154 nurses and 182 FBW ). The data were collected by 36 questions introductory information form having demographic characteristics and by scales adapted by Özen and Uzun (2005) in terms of work-family conflict (5 items), family-work conflict (5 items), supervisor support (6 items) and partner support (6 items). To analyse the data means, percentages, chi-square and t-test in SPSS-12.0 were used.


There were not significant differences between two working groups in terms of age (nurses: 33.15±9.10 and FBW : 33.48±7.29), having a child under 5 years of age (22% of nurses and 23% FBW ) and the ones indicating that family life has an effect on working life (14% nurses and 17% of FBW ) (p>0.05). The differences between two working groups for educational background (25% of nurses and 60% of FBW  were university graduates or postgraduates), marital status (66% of nurses and 84% of FBW  were married), working status (72% of nurses and 1% of FBW worked by shifts), having working role definition (62% of nurses and 75% of FBW defined) and the ones indicating that working life has an effect on family life (67% of nurses and 50% of FBW ) were significant (p<0.05).

            The scale score differences between two groups in terms of work-family conflict ( =15.94±3.79 in nurses, =15.14±3.89 in FBW ) and partner support ( =23.73±4.77 in nurses, =22.39±6.46 in FBW ) were not significant (p>0.05). However, there were significant differences (p<0.05) between the two groups for family-work conflict ( =10.07±4.08 in nurses, =11.13±4.11 in FBW ) and supervisor support ( =18.77±6.72 in nurses, =15.46±6.25 in FBW).

Conclusion: The FBW  are experiencing more family-work conflict and receiving less supervisor support than nurses.