Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to know a questionnaire with good measurement properties, designed to measure leisure-time physical activity for a general population.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to understand a methodological approach of a questionnaire with evidences of reliability, practicability, acceptability, convergent, divergent and criterion validity.
Methods: The international recommendations for translation were followed. Reliability was assessed by the criterion of stability over 15 days. Practicability was evaluated by the time spent interviewing and acceptability was estimated as the percentage of unanswered items and the proportion of patients who responded to all items. The study was conducted among 236 participants referred for cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The Baecke Habitual PA Questionnaire (Baecke-HPA) and Self-reported measure of walking Behavior (QCAF) were used to evaluate convergent and divergent validity. Cardiorespiratory fitness was used to evaluate concurrent validity by the Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ), peak measured (VO2peak) and maximum predicted (VO2pred) oxygen uptake.
Results: The Brazilian GSLTPAQ presented evidences of equivalences, with short time of application (3.0 minutes). As for acceptability, all patients answered 100% of the items. The test-retest reliability was good (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of 0.84). Partial correlation coefficients (adjusted for age, sex, education, BMI and disease group) between the GSLTPAQ score and the Baecke-HPA total score and QCAF provided evidence for convergent validity; VO2pred and VSAQ provided evidence for concurrent validity. The GSLTPAQ was not associated with the occupational PA domain of the Baecke-HPA, providing evidence of divergent validity.
Conclusion: The Brazilian GSLTPAQ presents appropriate measurement qualities.