Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to acknowledge the cultural validation process of the Therapeutic Self-care Scale for the Portuguese population.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to know an instrument for assessing therapeutic self-care.
Methods: A cross-sectional study, in medical and surgical wards in 4 hospitals of the central region of Portugal.The following procedures were taken: authorization for the use of the instrument; panel of experts to assure the existence of a similar concept in Portugal; translation by two bilingual translators; panel of experts to build a consensus translation; back translation of the consensus form; analyses of the back translation by the previous translators; construct validation using factorial analyses after calculation of KMO and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity; reliability measured by α-Cronbach and inter-item correlation. An accidental sample was used, consisting of patients in medical and surgical wards- adults that were able to speak Portuguese, between March 2012 and July 2012. TSC is a 12 items scale score from 0 -5. TSC was administered by nurses in interview format, measuring the ability of the patient to perform 4 different categories of self-care activities.
Results: N= 990; mean age: 63.57 years old and std. deviation: 17.41. KMO= 0.948; Bartlett's Test of Sphericity: p<0,001. Factor analysis with eigenvalues> 1 and scree plot results in 1 factor which explains 81,318 of the variance. Reliability- α-Cronbach: 0.979 with correlation between each item and total score range from 0.861-0.937.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that TSC is a valid instrument to use in the Portuguese population with a strong reliability (α-Cronbach: 0,979).
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