The Flipped Classroom in Graduate Nursing Education

Wednesday, 24 July 2013: 8:50 AM

Catharine Maureen Critz, PhD, MSN, BSN
Diane Demeter Knight, PhD, MSN, BSN
College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Hawaii Pacific University, Kaneohe, HI

Learning Objective 1: Following the presentation, the learner will describe the core components of a flipped classroom with 100% accuracy.

Learning Objective 2: Following the presentation, the learner will state three effective teaching strategies used in the flipped classroom with 95% accuracy.

Purpose: . The purpose of this study was to answer the research question, Will graduate students in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program report satisfaction and appropriate knowledge acquisition with the flipped classroom experience?” 

Methods: Twenty students were polled from two sections Spring 2011 (n=10) and Summer 2011 (n=10).  The students were given verbal and email instructions about how to access Survey Monkey, an anonymous online survey database.  A semi-structured, ten item survey was developed by the researchers and reviewed by other faculty for veracity.  A mixed methods approach was used.  Each of the ten items were rated using a Likert scale ranging from “Extremely worthwhile” to “Not at all worthwhile” and space was provided for comments.  Forced-choice answers were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while comments were analyzed using descriptive content analysis.  Grades or class standing were not affected if students chose not to participate.

Results: The flipped classroom model was an overwhelming success for both faculty and students.  Faculty watched students take charge of their own learning and become far more engaged in in-classroom discussions.  All of the students were positive about the flipped format.  All of the students felt the material covered was worthwhile for practice.  Nearly all of the students surveyed felt that completing reading, viewing lectures, and answering questions prior to coming to class was either “very” or “extremely” worthwhile.  Students reported getting the right content, the right amount of assignments, and favored the move to more in-class case scenarios and collaborative learning.

Conclusion: Very little research is available about the use of the flipped classroom in nursing education.  This beginning research suggests that the flipped classroom is a viable, engaging, and meaningful format for graduate nursing education.  More research is needed.