Indonesian Palliative Care Nurses Knowledge

Thursday, 25 July 2013: 3:35 PM

Dame Elysabeth Tarihoran, SKep, MKep, SpKepMB
Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences University of Pelita Harapan Jl. Bulevard Sudirman No : 15 Lippo Village 15811,, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang, Indonesia

Learning Objective 1: Identify the level of Palliative care nurses knowledge in Indonesia

Learning Objective 2: Identify the need of development of palliative care education in Indonesia


Indonesia is a developing country with huge number of population (around 230 million people). In addition, the number of patients with palliative status is significantly high, it can be seen for example from the National prevalence of Cancer in Indonesia which is 4.3 cancer patients per 1000 people (Riskesdas, 2007). However, the high number is not accommodated by sufficient and qualified amount of support systems such as facilities, human resources, and health care standards especially nurses as the front liners of health service. Presently, palliative care training and education for nurses are informally given only in clinical setting. This makes it difficult to map the palliative competence of Indonesian nurses. Therefore, there is an urgent call to analyze the palliative care learning needs of nurses by identifying nurses’ knowledge of palliative care.


Quantitative descriptive study with cross-sectional design using 20 items palliative care quiz for Nursing (PCQN) Questionnaires (Ross et al, 1996 in Andriaansen, 2007) with the following characteristics: age, gender, work experience, department, and  culture. The total respondents are 30 nurses from Private hospitals in 3 big cities in Indonesia.


The study shows that most of nurses have low level of knowledge related to Palliative care. Most of them ( 80%) under 60 out of 100% with (Mean : 49.33%). And there is no correlation between level of knowledge and those nurses characterictics (gender (p=0.724), work experience (p=0.073), department (p=0.740), culture (p=0.282), and age (p=0.560)


The understanding derived from this study will significantly inform and influence the development of palliative care education in Indonesia’s specifically in nursing academic (curricula)  and clinical practice settings (acute and community settings).