A 11 Antenatal, Neonatal, Perinatal Palliative Care: State of the Science in Two Countries

Monday, 22 July 2013: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Description/Overview: This session will review the current status of antenatal, perinatal and neonatal palliative care in the United States and Portugal. All the presenters conduct empiracal research in this area of end of life care. They will summarize the empirical research and will identify gaps in the current state of the science. Needs of the infant, families, and healthcare providers will be defined. Practical assistance in how to move a palliative care program (at the antenatal, birth or postnatal periods) forward, with referenced material, will be presented.
Learner Objective #1: 1. Delineate three components of successful perinatal palliative care program and make one plan for improvement of own program.
Learner Objective #2: 2. Identify current status of science supporting creation of environment supporting a loving life and death for the infant with life-limiting condition.
Organizers:  Anita J. Catlin, DNSc, FNP, FAAN, Independent Consultant, Pope Valley, CA
Moderators:  Alice L. March, PhD, RN, FNP-C, CNE, Capstone College of Nursing, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Where We Have Been and Where We Are in End-of-Life Care for Newborns

Anita J. Catlin, DNSc, FNP, FAAN
Independent Consultant, Pope Valley, CA

Neonatal Palliative Care Development in Portugal

Joana Catarina da Cruz Mendes, BSN, MS, PhD
Pediatrics, Hospital Sao Francisco Xavier, Lisbon, Portugal, 1495-005 Lisboa, Portugal

State of the Science: Perinatal Palliative Care

Charlotte Wool, PhD, APRN
Nursing, York College of Pennsylvania, York, PA