Difference of Knowledge and Attitude about Human Papillomavirus in Male and Female College Students

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Dong Sook Cho, PhD
Department of Nursing, Eulji University College of Nursing, Seongnam-Si, South Korea

Purpose: This study was done to identify the gender difference of knowledge and attitude about Human Papillomavirus(HPV) in college students.


A cross-sectional survey design with a convenient sampling was used. The subjects were 215 college students. Data collection was done by self-reporting method from September 10 to 22, 2012. The reliablilty of the instruments were from .81 to .83. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the characteristics of the sample and knowledge and attitude about Human Papilomavirus(HPV). The independent t-test and x2test were performed using SPSS 18.0 to confirm gender differences.


The participants in this study were 100 male and 115 female students. 7.2% of the participants has family history of cancer of cervix, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer. The percentage of correct answer of knowledge items toward the HPV were 4.2% to 42.8%.  84.7% of the participants were heard about cancer of cervix, 31.6% of the participants were heard about HPV, and 68.4% were heard about HPV vaccine. There was a significant differences in the correct answer rate about knowledge items toward the HPV between the gender. Female students were more correct answers than male student about “HPV can be prevented with vaccine”(x2 =5.90, p=.019), but male students were more correct answers than female student about “low risk virus make dysplasia of cervix area”( x2=.01, p<.001) and “for man, HPV can occur genital cancer, so preventive exam is necessary”(x2 =.7.26, p=.013). In attitude of HPV vaccine, male was higher attitude score than female about “I am afraid of side effets of HPV vaccine”(t=2.704, p=.007). But female was higher attitude score than male about “I don’t need HPV vaccine”(t=-1.984, p=.049), “I am not interest in HPV vaccine”(t=-2.339, p=.020), “HPV vaccination may lead to unsafe sex”(t=-2.304, p=.022).

Conclusion: Subjects’s knowledge about HPV were low level. College students were more aware of the HPV vaccine rather than HPV. The significantly differences between the gender were due to differences in gender characteristics