The Changing Role of the Chief Nursing Executive in an Enculturated Evidenced-Based Practice Environment

Monday, 28 July 2014: 9:10 AM

Mary G. Nash, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACHE
Shared Services, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH

Purpose: This presentation will discuss the transitions that the most senior nurse leader, Chief Nursing Executive (CNE) must make in his/her role to sustain the EBP culture and support mid-level nurse leaders. 


As the most senior nursing leader in the organization, the Chief Nursing Executive (CNE) creates the vision and simultaneously maintains overall accountability for promoting a culture of evidence-based practice within a healthcare organization.


Nursing staff empowerment is reported as a positive outcome of establishing an EBP practice environment. Nursing staff experience a renewed sense of confidence which can translate into a greater sense of autonomy and a heightened desire to question administrative decisions.  Less experienced nurse leaders may see this as a threatening shift in the balance of power.


The CNE must thoughtfully support the spirit of inquiry among clinical staff and simultaneously mentor mid-level nurse leaders in the organizations as they acquire comfort with a renewed empowerment and engagement among their clinical nursing staff.